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What Is Estimated Range Data?

The data used to work out the estimated range is a combination of past driving cycles and the remaining fuel level. The average fuel efficiency over recent trips is used to predict the future fuel efficiency of the driver. This is combined with the remaining fuel or charge level is used to give a km reading for drivers to estimate when they next need to refuel their vehicle.

Use Cases

Electric vehicles come in many different battery sizes. Just as petrol or diesel cars come in different fuel tank sizes. To determine the range of a vehicle, several estimations are used to calculate.

The ECU (Engine Control Unit) is fed fuel level, driving data, speed, engine rpm and other factors from in-built sensors to work out the estimated range. Telematics units within vehicles can transmit estimated range data to a fleet manager who can identify nearby fuel or charge stations that drivers can use. Without the driver needing to take extra time out of their schedule.

Electric Vehicles are catching up to combustion-powered cars in terms of range, but currently need to be refuelled more often. Vehicle chargers are sometimes unavailable or faulty and fleet managers can use location and estimated range data to work out nearby functional charge stations. This prevents drivers from being surprised when they find a faulty station.

The estimated range data can be compared to real range data once a vehicle has little fuel remaining. This can help work out which drivers are more fuel-efficient in an organisation. With incentives and awards being given to those who save on fuel costs.