Certain parameters are set for a vehicle when it is new. Once a sensor detects a value outside its permitted range, diagnostics data will display a warning on the vehicle dashboard. This diagnostics data can be used by fleet managers, mechanics, dealerships and more to find and fix a fault.
Data such as oil pressure, temperature, RPM, torque, coolant level and more are used to determine the health of an engine. Tyre pressure, vehicle speed, and variances across tyres are useful to work out whether a vehicle has a puncture or whether the vehicle tracking is out.
Diagnostics data paints a picture for fleet managers to understand how a vehicle is treated and what vehicles fit a certain purpose. If tyre pressures are low, it could indicate mistreatment, or owners not regularly inspecting their vehicle. If the brake pad wear is high, then drivers could be misusing the brakes. If the engine load percentage is high, then the engine would be overworked and may not last as long as other vehicles within the fleet.
All of these are useful to work out budgets, driver behaviour, vehicle model reliability and much more when managing a fleet of vehicles. Fuel consumption can also be analysed to determine the condition of the vehicle and how businesses can be expected to pay for increasing fuel prices.