This platform release includes several URL changes based on new server architecture that is being rolled out. Note that "sandbox" is being used to refer to any endpoints for working with the car emulators during the development of apps.
Sandbox base URL changed to
Sandbox base URL changed to
Sandbox base URL changed to
This is a major release across all SDKs, APIs and emulators that introduces Auto API level 8.
The latest version of the Auto API comes with internal protocol improvements and an expanded data set of vehicle data. In summary:
This release adds support for Auto API level 8. Please note that the release is not compatible with level 7 Auto API (package 1.8.0) and your Auto API code probably needs updating.
This release introduces some changes for the public API of the SDK.
There are some internal changes to the SDK-s logic:
These updates might be useful for the users of the HMKit-OEM library.
Starting with this release all of our Java SDK public methods use our custom Bytes class instead of the byte[]. For instance it can now be used to access certificate properties or send link commands.
Bytes class can also be used for new constructors and some convenience methods like Bytes.getHex() and Bytes.equals().
This update follows the releases of Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3 bringing compatibility of the HMKit libraries to both. Full details:
This release has been tested on iOS and macOS, and should work on tvOS, watchOS and Linux as well; usable with the Swift Package Manager.
This is a major release across all the SDKs, APIs and the user interface of the Developer Center itself.
The latest version of the Auto API comes with a new internal protocol that brings consistency and flexibility for different car capability variations. Each capability (such as Diagnostics) has now a list of properties. Here's how they work:
In terms of capabilities, it's no longer the case that each capability defines its own format of what is included in the Capabilities message:
There are many new properties that have been added to existing capabilities. There are however some entirely new capabilities:
HMKit Core, the component that all SDKs implement, have been updated with the following:
The Android SDK is from now on available through the JCenter and downloaded directly as a Gradle dependency. As part of this, the SDK has been divided into separate modules: HMKit-Android, HMKit-AutoAPI, HMKit-Crypto and HMKit-Utils. The Auto API library has been updated to level 6 and is open sourced on GitHub.
The iOS SDK has been updated to support the latest core changes. The Auto API library has been updated to level 6 and is open sourced on GitHub.
The Node.js SDK has been updated to support Auto API level 6 and other core changes.
This is a completely new interface for working with Auto API. With the REST API it's possible to work with car data and APIs on any platform.
Good news for Windows users! This release includes support for Windows 10. Just get the latest version from npm or download the sample app.
This is only a minor update with a bug fix for the AccessCertificate.isExpired()method.
This is a bigger release to be compatible with Apple's update to iOS 11. With this release we are adding a Swift 4 (beta) SDK in addition to the stable 1.8.5 release to the download site. In the upcoming months we will phase out the Swift 3 build however.
This release includes a bug fix and an improvement:
This release includes helper functions for sending and parsing all remaining Auto API commands that were not included in the first release - except for Get Capabilities and Get Vehicle Status. We're still hard at work with Windows support but making good progress.
The scaffold sample app has been updated too to best reflect the latest version.
Next up in the backlog is more informative error handling and the final two Auto API commands.
Starting from this release the iOS SDK is shipped with a script that should be used before releasing to App Store. The script removes iPhone simulator related code.
Other updates and bug fixes:
Here's what's new in this release:
An additional app "Basic OAuth" has been added to the samples.
This release includes the following bug fixes:
This is a first release of HMKit for Node.js and the first SDK destined for backend server applications. The SDK supports working with the Auto API through Telematics.
There's two bigger limitations on the first experimental release. First off, it can only be run on Linux and OS X. Windows support coming in upcoming versions. This is due to native C bindings that it used for crypto and internal protocol.
Version 0.1.1 does not yet have helper methods for all Auto APIs. Helpers for the following capabilities are included:
Any feedback for the public methods, especially Auto API handling, is taken into account for next releases.
This release includes two big updates, Auto API capabilities Browser and Graphics have been added. Other changes:
Here's what's new in this iOS SDK release:
Here's what's new in this Android SDK release: