What is Dashboard Warning Lights Data?

The dashboard warning lights are displayed to a driver in one of two ways. Either these lights turn on briefly when the ignition is turned on or stay on throughout a driving cycle.

Dashboard warning lights can be shown in different colours: red, amber, green and blue. These signify the type of warning and how serious the issue is. Blue and green lights demonstrate that the issue is minor and could probably be solved straight away, with little effort from a driver. 

The red and amber lights however demonstrate the seriousness of the issue. These lights may be ignored by some drivers but come as part of necessary global vehicle standards. They are a useful part of the diagnostics system and ECUs. Showing issues in terms of the general management of the vehicle, or if there is a major issue with the engine.

Use Cases

The seatbelt or handbrake may sometimes be forgotten. Doors may be left open, and accidents may occur as a result of the indication or warning lights not being on.

The telematics device retrieves such data and provides it to fleet management companies which may carry out a detailed inspection, or pinpoint if any major flaws need to be addressed immediately. This can be extremely helpful for drivers as it may prevent accidents. As warning lights could be a sign of serious issues. If these issues are not addressed properly and on time, they may have serious consequences in terms of car health and personal safety.