6. Limitation of Liability
6.1 High Mobility assumes, for whatever legal reason, unlimited liability for damages caused by wilful intent and gross negligence, which lead to the loss of life, bodily injury or impairment to health, in which the Produkthaftungsgesetz (German Product Liability Law) stipulates mandatory liability as well as in the cases in which High Mobility has adopted a guarantee for the quality of the contractual object.
6.2 High Mobility is only liable for ordinary negligence insofar an obligation has been breached, whose fulfilment is of particular importance to the proper implementation of the contract (cardinal duty). Cardinal duties are those which are required to be fulfilled to achieve the purpose of the contract and those on whose compliance the user, as contractual partner, can trust upon regularly. The liability is limited to damages typically foreseeable for this kind of contract.
6.3 Any additional claims for damages are excluded.
6.4 The End-Customer’s claims for damages, for whatever legal reason, expire 12 months after the damage becomes known.