Try the New EQC Simulator at Mercedes–Benz /developers

September 13, 2019
High Mobility announces today its collaboration with Mercedes-Benz /developers, supporting the car maker with a vehicle emulator for its new SDK. The SDK was first introduced at @HACK.IAA 2019 where developers had the opportunity to get exclusive access to Mercedes-Benz cars and the new Mercedes-Benz Mobile SDK during the course of the 24-hour hackathon.

To further support and enhance the development process, High Mobility has now developed a unique car emulator specifically for the SDK

The Mercedes-Benz Mobile SDK works with both Android and iOS systems, and allows developers access to the car data and vehicle functions they need to build innovative mobile apps for Mercedes-Benz cars. The new element to the SDK, the digital vehicle emulator, gives teams and individuals the opportunity to mimic events and real world scenarios in order to test their apps before launching them in production. High Mobility and Daimler have built the emulator to provide developers with a key opportunity during the app testing process, namely observing how the Mercedes-Benz APIs actually work.

As the vehicle emulator acts as a digital twin to the real vehicle, developers will be able to observe in detail how their applications will function once released in the real world.

The beauty of the vehicle emulator is that it provides a lightweight, in-browser testing environment for developers while they are honing their apps for the Mercedes-Benz EQC with no need to access a physical vehicle. A key feature of the vehicle emulator is the availability of a log of incoming vehicle commands (e.g: turn on AC, lock/unlock doors) displayed within the emulator console which the developer can read and analyse to better understand the vehicle state. Additionally, developers are able to configure the emulator to mimic different states during the testing process to complement the particular app that they are building. In doing so, the developer has a more realistic idea of how their app will perform in a real-world setting.

Simulated journeys

Simulated journeys are another key feature of the vehicle emulator. These simulated trips — essentially a collection of selected driving scenarios and locations that can be time stamped and plotted to make up a complete journey over a certain period of time — can be built within the testing environment as another means by which developers can test and improve their applications. The developer can then observe how the vehicle performs in different environments, at different times of the day and in different locations as it makes its journey, thus providing more crucial details about the performance of the app.

The open collaboration

The collaboration between High Mobility and Mercedes-Benz brings together two complementary sides of the car industry. By working with High Mobility, Mercedes-Benz can benefit from our experience in digital vehicle emulators and connected car APIs, as well as engage with our long-established, global developer community. In addition, developers can benefit from working directly with a lightweight, in-browser vehicle emulator.

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