Using the Historical Data feature
With Historical Data feature you can create/load a predefined driving cycle using the different capabilities but unlike in Simulations, instead of the state of the vehicle being updated every few seconds, your application can query for the state changes in the last 24 hours. With each sequence of events that you are building, you are essentially asking the vehicle “tell me everything you did and where you went during the defined time frame.”

To answer this request, you configure a list of historical states that will give you the information you need at different moments during that predefined time frame - just like the image above demonstrates. Essentially the tool is creating an exact timestamp that will provide you with the information that you would like to have in those moments.
A simple example
For instance, if you have built a ride-sharing app you could use the Historical Data feature to build a sequence like the one above, configuring states to request information from the vehicle that details the vehicle’s movements and the vehicle’s state during different scenarios at different times of the day. The Historical Data feature allows you to work with larger datasets and prepare your application to receive more detailed vehicle data than is possible with real-time data such as the data you can work with in Simulations.
Here’s an example of when the REST API has been used to retrieve historical lock state changes. In the JSON response you can see when the doors were locked.

We hope you’ll enjoy using this new emulator feature!