How AutoLogg Built A Better Driving Journal For Ford Drivers

August 12, 2021
In this post, we will discuss how AutoLogg went hardware-free with their driving journal. To improve the user experience and increase market access, the Austria-based company now reads trip data straight from the customer's cars via High Mobility. Such access to vehicle-based car data is the leading edge technology for user-focused mobility services. The AutoLogg case perfectly illustrates the customer problem and breaks down some of the key components required to push the customer experience to new heights.

Electronic driving journals gain popularity among company car drivers

Drivers of company cars typically save several hundred, sometimes up to 2,000 EUR per year if they keep track of their private and work trips. In the early days, this could only be done by hand - drivers had to record their driven mileage into a paper journal - often called a logbook. Modern electronic versions simplify tracking and documentation. These solutions can communicate with the car via additional hardware in the vehicle. The problem, however, is that having to install additional hardware makes the onboarding experience more complicated for the user and for the logbook provider. Customers are often confused about where and how to actually install it. AutoLogg realised there must be a better way.

Meet one of the winners of this year's Porsche Data Cup, a digital innovation competition designed to identify pioneering mobility companies, AutoLogg Connected. They won because they demonstrated a better solution for drivers.

Drivers who use AutoLogg have the ability to permit access to all the relevant data interfaces of their car, such as location, mileage, engine and ignition status. The clever AutoLogg Connected system does the rest.

A new market leader in the making

The new system asks very little from its users while multiplying market access. It's a win-win for both: Drivers do not have to invest time in installing hardware and AutoLogg can market their product to an almost infinite number of potential customers who can simply subscribe to their service online. Andreas Steiner, CEO of AutoLogg recapitulates: 

"When we screened the market, we realised that all solutions work the same way. You plug a piece of hardware into your car and connect it with an app. That is what we call a legacy product. We said, let’s do it in a more convenient way, without hardware, but more accurate. That was the time when our cutting edge innovation Autologg Connected was launched."

Boosting mobility businesses with vehicle data from the cloud

More companies are following suit. Most modern cars automatically exchange data with their manufacturers, ranging from location data to driving behaviour. High Mobility has been able to get many established manufacturers onboard already. We see a growing interest from the third-party services ecosystem. Companies looking to scale mobility services across multiple brands are looking for easy access to live vehicle data.

Our job at High Mobility remains the same. Our mission is to make the data universally accessible in the undoctored form to mobility companies via a secure interface and a transparent business framework. We do the heavy lifting and let the services focus on growth.

Now available to Ford drivers

Product images of the new AutoLogg Connected

We appreciate the trust the AutoLogg team has placed in the High Mobility platform. Putting the focus on user experience is always a winning formula. We are proud that we are part of building a better logbook experience with AutoLogg. With other brands following shortly, the solution is already available for Ford drivers.

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