Since the beginning of our company more than a decade ago, we have aimed to improve the developer experience in the connected car space. We saw how new technologies shaped the web and how new mobile platforms gave birth to new app ecosystems.
We wanted to take what we had experienced in these spaces and apply our learnings to the automotive industry. It took a lot of experimentation, but we are finally confident that we have shaped our learnings into a product that perfectly follows our customers' workflows.
So let’s see what is new!
What's New
Fleet Mode
High Mobility’s user console is the central platform for creating, configuring, and managing your connected vehicle projects. So, the first thing you’ll notice is that the starting point for any new project is the consent method. The reason for this is that just like before, we will determine the available datasets from the vehicle manufacturers based on Fleet or Non-Fleet use cases.
The new console has been uniquely designed for the Fleet segment, as the B2B fleet space provides the largest datasets from the highest number of supported brands. You can still access your old Non-Fleet projects. We will also make it possible to temporarily revert to the, what we now call, Legacy Console.
Fleet apps in develop mode will no longer be accessible as you will manage both your live and simulation settings in one project view.

New Data Selection Principle
Based on our learnings from the past few years, we observed that many of our customers launch their connected car projects one brand at a time. Others, select all available brands from their fleet and ensure the datasets are similar. This makes sense when you consider the operational and marketing components in the user onboarding context.
As a result, we rethought our data selection concept and now start from the brand, as opposed to the data items themselves.

Secondly, we now group data items for each brand based on the actual vehicle manufacturer data packages, which often have different prices. We could go really granular in the way our users configure their projects.

Transparent Pricing
We kept one of our unique selling points and will present the data pricing transparently based on the brands and data packages our customers select. You will always know what you are paying for.

On the left, you will find all the tools you need to get connected. You will start with the data selection. Next, we brought all the various integration methods under one tab.
Third, you’ll find our Car Simulation Studio where you can test your integration in a sandbox environment.
And lastly, there is a place for you to provide relevant legal information about your project before submitting it for our experts to review.
Please note that changing the billing details and updating credentials will only work in the new console going forward.

The new console is live now for all users
We can’t wait to see how you will use the new console and look forward to your feedback in the coming weeks in our public developer slack channel. Let us know if you like it.