High Mobility And Porsche Cooperate For The Porsche Data Cup — A Competition To Launch Next-Level Connected Car Services

February 17, 2021
The digital innovation competition Porsche Data Cup is officially launching with a live webinar for selected participants on May 18, 2021. High Mobility CTO Kevin Valdek and Andy Grau of Porsche AG will give an introduction to the competition and the Porsche Car Emulator, which simulates 140 endpoints of vehicle data – allowing the contestants to test their ideas and develop new products and services under realistic conditions.

As cars get equipped with sensors and board computers and connected to the cloud, they become an interesting environment for digital applications and services – and thus for software and software development. Modern cars can do basically everything computers and smartphones can do. However, they produce a much larger set of data points in ever-increasing resolution and quality. With business opportunities in this growing market ever expanding, Porsche Data Cup 2021 is an opportunity for companies to quickly develop ideas into products and then offer them to real Porsche drivers.

Porsche Data Cup is an innovation platform for the development of car data driven digital services. It is already the third open innovation competition organized by Porsche and High Mobility, it starts on May 17 and ends on June 25. Registration is possible immediately, but remains open during the whole implementation phase until June 25. The competition is aimed at innovators – companies and corporate teams – in the areas of B2B2C technology for smart home, fintech and insurance services as well as e-mobility applications.

The winner team will be given the opportunity to present at Startup Autobahn's EXPO Day 10. Startup Autobahn is the largest open innovation platform in Europe for the collaboration between corporates and technology start-ups. The presentation will be on July 22. Additionally, they will get 6 months of free live car data and enjoy a supported launch on the High Mobility data marketplace.

To join the kick-off webinar for the selected participants of Porsche Data Cup, apply with a team and product idea under www.porsche-data-cup.com

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