Ford Car Data Available Via The Auto API

September 16, 2020
We’re pleased to announce that as of today Ford car data will be available to developers and independent service providers via High Mobility’s Auto API.

Update: Check out our Ford API page for the latest updates.

The Auto API

The Auto API is High Mobility’s standardised protocol that works cross-manufacturer. Ford vehicle data will be available for verified third party services for use cases such as pay-as-you-drive insurance, enhanced insurance, driver’s logbook and vehicle health/maintenance. This personalised vehicle data will include GPS coordinates, odometer, vehicle status data and other vehicle health indicators to enable the increased accuracy and personalisation of car services.

Available use cases

Enhanced insurance
Vehicle health and maintenance

Vehicle Location Changed

Triggered when the location changes. This could be at the beginning of a trip or during a journey.

Dashboard Warning Lights Changed

Triggered when the warning/malfunction indicator lights change.

Ignition Changed

Triggered when the ignition state changes, e.g. at the beginning and the end of a trip.

Battery Guard Warning

Triggered when the 12V battery runs low.

Tire Pressure Warning

Triggered when the tire pressure gets low.

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