Evaluate connected car data for your business: Plug and Play

March 1, 2022
There are plenty of approaches that can be used to integrate vehicle data from our platform. Depending on the type of service you are developing and what type of data needs you might have, we offer a wide range of APIs and SDKs that all have unique characteristics. This makes it technically straightforward to get working with our platform. However, in many cases it might be useful to first evaluate data from a handful of vehicles before deciding on a full-scale product integration. To help with the evaluation, we have introduced two vehicle dashboard web applications that are open source and can be connected to your vehicle or fleet data without writing any code.

In this post we’ll look at two different setups:

  • Vehicle Dashboard: suitable to test with up to 10 vehicles. The Vehicle Dashboard is implementing one of our pull-based APIs, the GraphQL API, and displays the latest vehicle state with visual panels.
  • Fleet Dashboard: scales with hundreds or even thousands of vehicles. The Fleet Dashboard consumes a streaming data feed from our MQTT broker.

It’s worthwhile to highlight that as the dashboards are open source and readily available for download, you can run them locally or deploy them to your preferred cloud provider without any costs. All you need is a registered account and valid live data credentials on the High Mobility platform.

Vehicle Dashboard

The Vehicle Dashboard does what you might expect it to do. It has a sleek interface that presents you with the latest state of the car that you have connected to. Apart from the visual aspects, it logs all data that has been received to a local database that can be inspected or exported for further analysis.

connected car api vehicle dashboard

Here’s a breakdown of the functionality that comes with the Vehicle Dashboard and what you can do:

  • Configure an interval of how frequently data should be retrieved when the page is open
  • Stores all data requests to the database and provides a CSV for download
  • Automatically refreshes and logs all data once a webhook is received, even if the dashboard is closed
  • Filter data points to be shown in the panels
  • Shows data in a grid view, list view or map view, always with the timestamp of when it was last updated by the vehicle
  • Can be password-protected by securing the application in settings
  • Integrates the consent flow from the High Mobility platform to connect vehicles for B2C applications
  • Shows a list of activated vehicles for fleet applications, any of which can be chosen to be added to the dashboard

The key part of the Vehicle Dashboard is the simplicity of setting it up. As soon as the dashboard has been deployed you can configure the API credentials in a step-by-step tutorial.

Connected car api configuration

Follow the instructions on GitHub to set it up for yourself

Although you can in theory connect as many vehicles as you want to the dashboard, it is specialised to show detailed data point information for each individual vehicle. To work with large sets of vehicles, the Fleet Dashboard is the way to go.

Fleet Dashboard

The Fleet Dashboard is a collection of openly available software that has been customised to work with vehicle data coming from our platform. It works well with large datasets and provides views that aggregate the condition from all connected vehicles to give you a direct insight into the overall fleet health.

connected car api fleet dashboard

The three main components of the Fleet Dashboard are:

  • A connector to the High Mobility streaming interface. The connector continuously receives a stream of vehicle data from all vehicles that have been activated for your account.
  • A time series database that stores every incoming data update.
  • The presentation layer that shows you the vehicle data and allows you to create any queries you like

The summary panels that come with the Fleet Dashboard are:

  • Number of vehicles that have been transmitting data
  • Number of actions that are required, e.g. overdue services, theft alarm or crash events
  • How many services are due today

Apart from the summary, there are individual panels that give you a granular view of the all vehicle statuses combined in one view.

connected car api fleet dashboard 2
  • What’s the percentage of vehicles that need immediate attention
  • How many vehicles have active trouble codes or dashboard warning lights
  • If there are any overdue services, inspections or oil changes and when new services are due

If you are interested in basic fleet management functionality, you can also make use of the map panel that displays the whereabouts of all vehicles.

Everything is packaged into a standardised format which makes it possible to deploy it to any cloud platform that you are using. 

Follow the instructions on GitHub to set up the Fleet Dashboard

Get started

The dashboards have both been designed to be as easy as possible to set up. We are however glad to support you in any way we can. Book an appointment with us today to get a live demo and to get answers to any question you may have.

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